Sunday, 20 September 2009

Few Questions for the Free For Arts organizers. Lois and Helen

How has Manchester responded to your proposal of a free arts festival?

Resonably well, The companies/sponsors that have got involved are very enthusiastic and keen to support both us and Manchester, however there were some companies that didn't take to the idea at all. We found that people started to contact us once we had got the ball rolling, rather than the other way around which was very exciting. The artists were very responsive, and everyone is helping out as much as they can, and introducing new people all the time. Which is great.

Has it been inspiring working with unconventional exhibition spaces?

Yes, it's been great seeing how artists respond to the spaces, and seeing who can work where. We're really thankful to all the companies that have given their spaces for free, as they're all so varied and in some cases have inspired the work contained within them. We think its good to always question what a gallery is, and in the festival we are using the whole city as a gallery as our locations are sprawled across the city centre.

What events are you excited about?

All of them! We're excited about our own exhibition obviously, and there's the possibility of an unusual 'part b' to that (possible details to follow), also the performance events are something new to us and have been the most challenging. We were inspired to add the performance part to the 'Arts and Performance Festival' after seeing the Marina Abromovic Event at the Whitworth Art Gallery. Which was amazing. We're just excited to be working with so many people in so many different ways, and are looking forward to seeing all the varying artworks that will be taking place. It will be a busy week!

Prior to the beginning of the festival what elements would you consider reworking to improve the festival for next year?

Starting the planning earlier would be the first thing, as we didn't realise how many people wanted to be involved, and as a positive result of this next years festival will be much bigger!

In many ways do you feel that, as artists and curators, your general response to dealing with the organization of the festival and communicating with others is infact your own artwork rather than the polished aesthetics of the final festival events?

We feel that art is a lifestyle, something that you live and breathe. It's difficult to separate the different aspects of our art as we do all of them as one. I (Lois) feel that from working closely with Helen, the themes of my work have developed from spacial/movement ideas to environment, relationships and communication. Both of us feel that it would be difficult to work solely on projects, without having control of how they would be displayed and the process of making this happen. We're very involved with the ideas of space and feel its important to know the final exhibition space to develop the work.

What have you generally learnt from communicating and working with large amount of people?

That everyday is a new challenge, and it's fantastic. Everyone is so different and that's the magic of life.

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